Generic Volunteer Agreement
I understand this is a non-paid volunteer position. If, during the term of my involvement as a volunteer, I am charged with any crime, I will immediately notify the Director of Lacrosse. A charge doesn’t automatically preclude you from volunteering, however failing to disclose any arrest or charge may, regardless of the charge, preclude you from continued involvement as a WCAA volunteer.
All volunteers are expected to represent WCAA and Pasco County appropriately. Volunteers may not engage in any behavior that would be reasonably deemed detrimental to the community we serve, including the parents, players and other volunteers, the organization or Pasco County. Volunteers are expected to use good judgement at all times and refrain from the use of drugs and alcohol. Additionally, volunteers are expected to remain unbiased when volunteering to act as a field marshall or as a scoring table volunteer and to refrain from cursing or engage in derogatory or defamatory speech toward coaches, referees, attendees, administrators or players regardless of their affiliation.
All volunteers are representatives of WCAA in the community. Volunteers will refrain from using alcohol or illicit substances before or during program sanctioned activities. Any volunteer using or appearing under the influence will not be permitted to continue with their responsibilities during the sanctioned activity and may be asked to step down from their role, depending on the severity of the infraction.
Coaches/Team Parent Conduct Agreement
Code of Conduct for Coaches & Volunteers
I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players.
I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game officials.
I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at all times.
I will be knowledgeable of the rules of the game, and teach these rules to my players.
I will never use abusive or insulting language. I will treat everyone with dignity.
I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, regardless of the situation.
I will not allow the use of anabolic agents, stimulants, drugs, tobacco, or alcohol by my players.
I will never knowingly jeopardize the eligibility and participation of a student-athlete.
Youth have a greater need for example than criticism. I will be the primary sport role model.
I will at all times conduct myself in a positive manner.
I realize that coaching is motivating players to produce their best effort, inspiring players to learn, and encouraging players to be winners.
I will conduct myself on sidelines during games in the spirit of good sportsmanship at all times.
Profanity, profane gestures, arguing, inciting disruptive behavior by spectators and or players, or any conduct not in the spirit of good sportsmanship will require disciplinary action.
Alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs shall not be possessed, consumed or distributed before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and or game complex.
If I do not fulfill any of these responsibilities my team risks forfeiture of games while I am not in compliance and I may not be allowed to continue to coach or volunteer with my team until I fulfill these responsibilities.